RIP George Ginn, champion of vinyl

It is with great sadness that we have to report that George Ginn, who ran The Record Album for 56 years until 2018, passed away on June 11 at the Royal Sussex County Hospital following a fall at the Bramble Cottage Residential Care Home in Patcham. He was 93 and very well known and admired not

Christmas opening and vinyl gift ideas

Brighton’s Santa Bus passed down Terminus Road dispensing seasonal tidings of comfort and joy before December 2022 had even dawned … so we were reminded to let you know The Record Album is now open seven days a week up to Christmas Eve to offer vinyl gift ideas as well as wonderful new

Christmas opening and gift ideas

It’s beginning to feel a lot like Christmas … so in December The Record Album is open seven days a week to offer vinyl gift ideas as well as wonderful new stock. From December 1 our opening hours will be Monday to Saturday 10am to 6pm and Sunday 11am to 4pm. We will also

New delights await you!

And we’re back! Again! We decided to delay opening for an extra couple of days after the Covid restrictions were lifted in order to get the shop just right and we hope you will think the wait was worthwhile.  We were as disappointed as everyone else to be forced to close again just